What is Smiley Piercing?
Smiley piercing is the most favorite jewelry fashions of recent times. You probably see or hear your name in many people. Smiley piercing is a type of piercing that is attached to a piece of meat called frenulum that connects the gum to the lip. If you wonder what the frenulum is, you can lift up your upper lip and see this small texture in the mirror. He has taken this name because he appears when you laugh.
Smiley Piercing
It may seem easy to pierce the frenulum and you may think you can drill yourself, but this is wrong. There is a high risk of infection because it is a sensitive area in the mouth and you may suffer enormous pain as a result of incorrect drilling. That's why you need to find an expert and certified person. Mostly tattooists do this job. Always ask for a training certificate before agreeing with your tattooist.
The professional tattooist will give you a mouthwash first. This mouthwash will both destroy the bacteria in your mouth and make it match. Then, with the newly released needle from the package, lifting the upper lip will puncture the tissue of the drum and piercing piercing. You should note that the materials are used for the first time.
Does Smiley Piercing Affect?
It is a very fine texture of the drum. Therefore, there is no need to put too much pressure on the punching process and this will not cause much pain. You may not even feel the needle entering as your mouth and mouth will match with the liquid you mouthwash. After drilling, you should not eat or drink for a few hours and do not touch it with your hand or tongue. Applying or moving can cause pain.
How to Care for a Smiley Piercing?
The full healing of the smiley piercing area will take approximately 1 to 4 months. There are some rules you need to pay attention to in order to ensure the fastest recovery. Your tattooist will also provide the necessary information.
Most importantly, you should pay attention to your oral hygiene. After each meal, you can prevent the spread of bacteria in the mouth by using soft mouthwash or warm water mixed with sea salt. If your mouthwash is too hard, you can dilute it with water.
First you should avoid alcohol, cigarettes, spicy, bitter and extremely sour foods. Especially spicy, bitter and sour foods will make you feel bitter when it touches the punctured area and will prolong the healing time.
Hot food can also cause pain and tingling in the frenulum area. So wait for the hot food to cool down and eat the food in small donuts.
Never touch it with your hand. Our hands carry a lot of germs that can cause infection. Be careful not to touch your tongue. Moving or applying pressure may be irritating.
Brush your teeth with a small amount of toothpaste and slow movements. Toothbrushes and mint flavored toothpaste that cause theme to the area can cause tingling. You may prefer soft flavored toothpaste.
Are Smiley Piercing Risks?
The frenulum tissue is very thin or small in some people. This may cause your piercing to break. Your tattooist will decide if your frenulum is suitable for piercing.
Another risk is that the piercing balls can rub against your teeth and damage the enamel. If you feel it is damaging your teeth, you should remove it or see a dentist for advice.
If you use braces, smiley piercings may not suit your insides. Your piercing can get caught in your braces and tear the frenulum.
Chewing gum is also a risky move. Unintentionally, the gum may stick to your piercing and suddenly pull it out, causing bleeding or tearing.
Smiley Piercing How İt Looks?
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