Great Photos of the Girl Who Spends the First 10 Years of Their Life Growing in African Forests

Most of us know the story of The Jungle Book . But the story of this little girl named Tippi Degré, who lived with wild animals for 10 years, is completely real. It is unbelievable to think that someone so close to wild animals and who finds family comfort. We compiled this beautiful story  for you from The Mind Circle.

Tippi Degré was born in 1990 in Namibia.

Tippi spent his entire childhood in the African steppes, playing with wild animals, including a lion cub, a snake, a cheetah, a baby zebra, a giraffe, and even a crocodile.

The little girl couldn't be too fond of being friends with wild african animals.

I even loved them a lot.

Once, Tippi: "I don't have a friend here. Because I've never seen a child in my life. The animals are my friends." said.

Tippi established a tie with Abu, a 28-year-old man from the wild African elephant.

In 2000, Degré wrote a novel, "Tippi - My Book of Africa," about his life in Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Madagascar.

Africa had been his home for many years, and Tippi became friends with his tribal members in Namibia.

Tippi is on the 5-tonne elephant he calls "my brother."

Tippi is now 29 years old!

Tippi is the only child of Sylvie Rober and Alain Degré, now 29 years old and collecting photographs of animals that she took when she was a child, in a book titled "Tippi of Africa".

"It was incredible to be completely free in nature with our child. He was a very lucky little girl, born in a purely wild environment and grew up here until he was ten." said Sylvie.

Degré, France 'in Cinema and Audiovisual studied.

We're leaving a few more pictures of Tippi here.
